
My sweetest birthday gift ever, TU Delft apa Lund University?

12:00 AM

-This is the icon of the campus, TU Delft Library-

Hello, long time no see 😆😁 pernah gak sih kalian ngerasa ada di posisi yang "Eh, ini seriusan?" Tapii, kalian juga ada di satu titik yang dimana kalian encourage sama tuhan, artinya kalian masih menanyakan "Allah kok MashaAllah baiknya". At the same time, you also feel like "Yeah, I made it! I did it! I knew I can do it, I firmly believe..

"If I believe to myself, the world will believe in me"

That's what I feel, ketika kubuka website yang berkali2 I got my rejection letters, then I need to decline one of those letters. HAHA sombong amat ya 😂😂 #kapan lagi 😜
Kalau Moudy Ayunda bingung antara Harvard apa Stanford, Yah yang itu mah udah level first campus lah ya 😂 Kalau saya keterima di satu univ aja uda alhamdulillah, but yeah, these two campuses admitted me 😂😂 wqwq #ngipi apa lo Mid sebenernya tahun 2020 Politekno de Milano juga pernah admitted tapi sayang beasiswa nya gagal haha

TU Delft admission Letter, when I read in Bandung 😂 at 15th March

Lund University admission Letter, I read in Gresik at 9th April

A year ago, Politecnico de Milano

These gonna be my happiest birthday gift ever, to see the announcement and I got wonderful admission letters. And to celebrate my Birthday at the last 6 April and to celebrate this Kartini day, I would like to share with you how many times I failed and got up from the anxiety and uncertainty. Actually, I have written these ones from my previous posts, which you can read this here. Tapi yah biar sip kita ulang intinya aja ya.

for me, being a scholarship hunter is like a journey to understand myself, what actually I am looking for.. set back my intention and my real purpose in life..

And the thing to underline is, I don't wanna be someone that will spend the entire life pursuing this dream and learn IELTS for the rest of my life, rather than I wanna quickly erase and jump to another bucket list. But well, ALL NEED PROCESS. Again, don't ever be someone that really selfish to yourself. Everything has its own process, and if you want to value up yourself more, you need to experience all the processes.

Once, just stick on the head, every one process is different, we have our own pace. And it doesn't mean if I continue this dream I can't achieve another dream, I will, and don't worry they will be achieved. sometimes, what can we do, we just need to put off some times while we are achieving others, and they will be okay. 

Some people said If you wanna gain one thing just prepare to lose another thing. Yeap, ketika ak compare dengan kondisi yang aku alami sekarang, indeed, it's true, I need to let go of one thing that I still can compromise for than allowing everythings gone. Exact example, aku harus kehilangan beberapa waktu yang ak targetkan I will finish in my 26 years old, but due to covid, I just plan to start over now. Another example, I didn't find the right one even turning to my potential age, I haven't find my other half yet, I have said to myself I have been ready for that but if god's planning showed a beautiful journey like this, I thank enough. Bahkan, saya jadi paham, it's time for me to contemplate, to be wiser, to focus on career more, to be complete to ourselves, to deepen what exactly I am figuring out. To know which one is really supporting me, or which one is only saying by the words without actions. Instead of those, it's just a matter of time, until I realize what God's plan is amazingly beautiful. Just do what makes you happy and listen to your heart.

"I believe something done with a sincere heart and good intention will bear a good fruit"

pernah satu post waktu saya baca, kadang saya bahkan ketawa sendiri, kenapa bisa saya nulis begitu 😂 saya pernah bilang kalo "gagal satu gapapa, gagal dua gapapa, gagal terus sampai sukses" kenapa dulu aku mau gagal berkali kali ya 😂😂 what I learned from this is..

"I would rather fail in a cause that I will ultimately succeed than succeed in a cause that would ultimately fail."

Let's get back to the past.
jadi ceritanya saya coba fokuskan cari beasiswa tahun 2019 dan persiapan IELTS sebenernya mulai dari  tahun 2017 sewaktu kuliah, emang rencana ingin kerja dulu selama 2 tahun atau 3 tahun sebelum mengambil Master degree. 
Long short story. aku coba LPDP pertama kali, dulu tujuannya di wageningen, jangan tanya kenapa, coba baca LPDP 2018 pernah saya tulis disini intinya, kerja nya di pelabuhan, sabtu minggu sibuk proyekan, mau kuliah ambil jurusan sustainable energy efficiency and planning, gimana coba HAHA

Fokuskan pilihan, apakah happy dengan yang dipilih? dan coba galih lagi, tanyakan kepada diri, apa ini perlu untuk dipelajari lebih lanjut.. Apa beberapa tahun lagi, bidang ini masih diminati..

jadi setelah tes selama 3 kali, dengan hasil lolos di tes administrasi, seleksi berbasis komputer, dan FGD, tes wawancara pun dilanjut dan benar saya tidak lolos. 😁 jadilah seketika saya memutar otak, pokoknya gimana caranya 2019 ini  I NEED TO FOCUS ON THIS and get this one.. (disclaimer dlu, sebenernya gaperlu juga sih ampe resign haha yang penting niat dan fokus aja)

LPDP 2018

Dan benar saya memutuskan untuk resign dan fokus IELTS pergi ke pare langsung besoknya setelah kerja, jadi plan saya adalah bakal list dan coba semua beasiswa yang ada. I do hardly recommend you to list down on excel, a scholarship schedule like the one below, do your own research ..

Scholarship list 

There we go:
1. LPDP 2018 ( gagal di seleksi substansi/ wawancara)
2. MAECI (ini beasiswa dari Italian embassy) -> tujuan Politecnico de Milano (Admitted for the campus) (gagal buat beasiswa di seleksi wawancara)
3. SISGP (beasiswa dari Swedia) (gagal di seleksi administrasi, even persiapan dokumennya yang sangat rumit)
4. AAS (beasiswa dari Australia) (gagal di seleksi administrasi)
5. NZAS (New Zealand Scholarship) (gagal di seleksi administrasi) ini kuotanya amazing
6. University East Englia London, ini ak coba2 aja ga minat sebenernya, alhasil gagal juga karena ga provide reference letter
7. LPDP 2019 (baru deh ada titik terang) 😆😁

Anw baru kali ini ak ngelist, ngga nyangka juga bisa sam
pe 6 kali gagal hahaha 

"Pain has many purposes. But I believe that the biggest one of them all is that it's there to develop you. To stretch you. To teach endurance. To train patience. To induce strength you never knew you had. To enhance your faith. To make you into the person God intended you to be"

NZAS New Zealand Scholarship

Untuk dokumen apa aja yang harus di persiapkan, sebenernya semua sama dan bergantung masing-masing penyelenggara beasiswa, the most important are:
1. English translation Certificate / ijazah bahasa inggris
3. Motivation Letter
4. Reference Letter, yang bisa dari dosen atau dari bos di tempat kerja.

Along with that, persiapkan dengan matang, aku paham dari dulu aku bukan orang yang pinter-pinter amat tapi aku ada kemauan dan kerja keras. Itulah yang membedakan value kita dengan mereka. Persiapkan dan mantapkan niat dengan benar, karena S2 bukan hanya sekedar ilmu yang di dapat, tapi lebih dari itu, menjadi pribadi yang lebih paham for acting being more geneorous human being. Melatih deep and critical thinking, being more value with knowledge, knowing the reason behind every words and outcomes. Dan saya yakin semakin tinggi pendidikan orang, semakin paham orang akan menghargai sebuah proses dan waktu. Orang tersebut akan lebih matang dalam berpikir, memiliki kemauan yang tinggi, memiliki respect yang baik dengan sebuah usaha, dan masih banyak lagi.

SISGP dan university admission yang belum berhasil

Untuk how to deal with the interviewer dan bagaimana cara untuk menjawabnya nanti kita bikin postingan baru ya, kebetulan dulu ada dua sesi interview yang mana di sesi kedua ada sesi yang saya nyaman bercerita dengan bapaknya hingga saya diberikan banyak nasihat sama beliau, saya ingat banget pesan beliau hingga sekarang, namun saya lupa nama bapaknya, saya ingat betul momen tsb, yang membuat saya memiliki inner motivation to believe in myself a lot.

Kalau ditanya gimana bisa mempertahankan motivasi dan how to get rid all negativity, sure, it was not easy at all, I still have much time to cry, thinking over the night, blaming my self a lot, still thinking how if I fail again, and again, and again 😂 yang mana ak berkesimpulan, if I failed many times itu berarti tandanya ak gapernah belajar dari kegagalan itu, but I was not easliy giving up, I tend to try other possibilities with supporting myself to always stand up. 

"Fall down seven times, stand up eight"

but then how can I easily get up and get rid all negativity. For me, again, the greatest motivator is belief. I have clear goals and it's contagious, if I can run and accomplish it, there is satisfied feeling beneath everything we do. we feel very proud and it brings you up to accomplish the bigger thing.


"what doesn't kill you make you stronger".. 

To sum up, everyone is succes in their own lifes. success in life is not measured by  our position in life but by obstacles we overcame to get there. success in life is not determined by how we are doing compared with others, but how weare doing compared with what we are capable of doing. And, success is not measured by how high we go up in life, but rather by how many times we bounce back when we fall down. 

It's only about how we think.

If you think you can, you can!
if you think you doubt, you cannot!
If you think you are outclassed you are!
If you think you're gonna rise, you will!


thank you for reading my blog


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  1. Merindinggg bacanyaaa kak... Sampek brebes mili... Thank for sharing your sweetest birthday gift ever that build you up.
