
Traveling #1 Areguling Beach in Kuta Mandalika

10:44 AM

Areguling Beach, Kuta Mandalika, Lombok Island, Indonesia

Once on a sunny day, after having a good weekly yoga class, I was wondering what I can do after going to a friend’s house after teaching English to kids that have always been my interest from now on. Meanwhile, the sun came up and called us to go out.
The way heading to

This is the beach that I was heading to. On my way to the beach, from the distance, you will see a magnificent landscape with amazing greenery.

A virgin beach

You will see white sands with blue pristine waters of the ocean, pulling me into the beach. Then, I go left and follow the direction.

It goes so quiet especially when I go during summer It can burn your hand instead.
Sometimes, it's not too clean as what the most known beach offered

The first impression of Areguling is calm and quiet. It is good for meditating, enjoying the sunset, connecting to locals, and many more. It is a right fit for you if you crave to be lost in a wonderful landscape to escape the mundane of daily life.

It is a perfect fit also for solo travelers; but, ensure that the tires of your vehicles are good enough to trek the road that hasn’t been covered by asphalt yet. It is a rough road, full of muddy stone there, but the gentle breeze is worth of ride.

The stunning savanna

And one that I never forgot is about the savanna along the way close to the beach, a green savanna with cows around and fed by themselves.

if you ask me do you wanna go back definitely yes! I'll go back. for enjoying the breeze of the air, the calmness, amazing views with green curvy lands, and many others.

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