
How Content I am? (How to deal with your daily problems)

6:05 AM

 1. If someone is mad at me and shows disrespect to me, I'd better let them finish their words and listen to what they say. Then I will ask them to give me a minute to rest up my mind and give time for them to heal. Then, I will continue to talk after everything is fine.

2. If someone does not respond to my text, I'd better give time to them and leave it. Then continue to catch up to the other things. If they need you, they will text you back. If you think you have urgent things to say, text again without feeling you need them. It shows how detailed you are in managing small things.

3. If someone compliments you, you don't need to approve back if you don't feel so. You deserve it. It would be better to thank and appreciate what they say.

4. If you feel so unmotivated these days, please remember how many people want in your position and how many are struggling to find the funds and feed themselves. You must be grateful for that, for everything you have.

5. If you feel you miss someone else, your parents or your family or your loved ones, send duá to them and be blessed having them.

6. If you felt burned out and stressed, try walking and feeling the fresh air outside.

7. If someone is ghosting you, appreciate yourself, be outspoken if you know how you are, never leave a person in an unclear situation, and go find yourself, explore more, enrich your knowledge, your self-growth, take an opportunity, and try to engage people. Be confident to be the real who you are.

8. Never beg the love. You don't worth someone that never pays attention to you. You are a flower in a desert. There is always someone who wants to pick it up, even how difficult it is to find it. Trust yourselves, trust the timing, trust the universe, and always be good to your surroundings. 

9. Be humble. Be kind to the others. You never know what the future will bring you. You'll never know where you are now can be the compilation of the kindness of what you did in the past. :)

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