
How Content I am? (How to deal with your daily problems)

 1. If someone is mad at me and shows disrespect to me, I'd better let them finish their words and listen to what they say. Then I will ask them to give me a minute to rest up my mind and give time for them to heal. Then, I will continue to talk after everything is fine.2. If someone does not respond to...

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Solo travelling- 2 weeks itinerary in 3 countries, You Go Girl! (Part 1) Dusseldorf - Paris - Valencia

---I wanna go on a road trip someday, alone or with someone I love, I wanna getaway, explore places, sleep in the car. Stop a lot just to admire the view. Visit museums and try out coffee shops. Listen to my favorite albums while exploring. Have a polaroid camera, take pretty pictures of sunrise. Take picture of myself. Run through a forest. Chase...

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Mesquita de Paris - A gift to those who seeking the truth

Have you heard about Ibnu Battutah Journey?  The greatest medieval Muslim 14th famous traveler who is exploring the places towards his destination to Mecca to do pilgrimage or Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam. He visited almost all of the Muslim countries as far as China and even Sumatra (the name of the island part of Indonesia :) Minaret view from the inside of...

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