full of memory by soelastri, your name "soelastri" remind me for that uhuuhhh. Dear of mine! hate or love, no no no, enough to think that. still too many boys here and there who similar to me, broken heart. now,, just thinking of the future and school. Guys, Soelastri always remembered in the heart of mine. and -Bali- the special location where we...
di kantornya mbak, belajar buat website :) Jalan-jalan abis jalan capek, maem dulu. :) ih jeleke :) mbkku manis :) Tunjungan plaza :) Transformers :) istirahat abit belajar website foto bareng mbk ...
bagus banget pemandanganya! sama nenek. :) Di antara bunga-bunga :D ...
exatcly at WBL, yaahh, yu can lokk thiss. ...