
How to gain 5.5 score to 7 score in IELTS test

Gaining a high score by self-studying is not so scary as you thought. The key is only consistency. it's easy to talk, but difficult to do, this is TRUE 😂 Bicara tentang IELTS, I've been trying 2 times and never get a score that I really want. Disini akan saya bahas satu persatu tahapan dan bagaimana cara belajar IELTS yang 'tepat' for me...

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LPDP 2019

the story and process will be long last until we know all the struggle will pay off. Welcome my new journey Let's continue in this year of blessings can't wait to face the next story the next achievement in the excited year which still going we did joyful but never lose the tracks how you never give up and His plan just will...

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Work Hard and be Patient

"I would rather deserve a medal  and not have it than to have it and not deserve it" Everyone has their sorrow, me too. I had that dark light. But what somethings different is how we erase the dark and lighten up our holes. Commitment, integrity, and persistence are valued you more to make a big dream to achieve. "Who doesn't kill you...

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Degree is only degree, but knowledge is always priority!

Bekerja di lingkungan baru dengan berbagai background yang notabene berasal dari lulusan luar negeri memberi banyak pelajaran dan rangkaian story telling. Cerita ini sedikit menampar saya yang sungguh mengidam ngidamkan untuk kuliah, out of reason why had to take study, but more than how you feel the new life and new perspective. Exactly, this is a new consultant yang baru berdiri 3 tahun...

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Dua minggu yang lalu saya dihadapkan dengan seorang professional yang murah senyum dan open mind. Saya berkenalan dengan profesional tersebut, terlihat ramah dan sangat hangat, topik yang mengalir begitu saja membuat obrolan makin menjadi dan mengarah pada judgement tentang diri dan pribadi. Kembali profesional itu memberikan tebakan halus tentang arah dan personality lawan bicara nya ini. "sudah berapa kali mbak gagal?" "kira-kira 6...

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New Born New Positive Life

Hey blogger!Eits ini perdana nge post ya di 2019, hahaha sebenernya sudah lama nyicil konten dan saat ini, inshaallah pos yang akan saya masukkan nanti tidak lain tidak bukan adalah hal-hal yang membuat excited untuk nulis xD explore dan bersyukur. I have passed a lot of phases and make me blessing all of my life processes now. And I believe positivity will be...

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